Get a glimpse of Campus Events ( कैंपस कार्यक्रम)

Discover glimape of IGNTU Campus's initiatives, successes, and cutting-edge innovations that significantly improve the quality of life of all stakeholders.

आईजीएनटीयू कैंपस की पहल, सफलताओं और अत्याधुनिक नवाचारों की झलक देखें, जो सभी हितधारकों के जीवन की गुणवत्ता में काफी सुधार करते हैं।

Our Patron and Mentor: 

Prof. Shri Prakash Mani Tripathi

Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor

Indira Gandhi National Tribal University in Amarkantak, Anuppur district, Madhya Pradesh, India 

हमारे संरक्षक और पथप्रदर्शक:

प्रो. श्रीप्रकाश मणि त्रिपाठी

माननीय कुलपति 

इंदिरा गांधी राष्ट्रीय जनजातीय विश्वविद्यालय, अमरकंटक , अनुपर जिला, मध्य प्रदेश, भारत 

Beautiful Messages on various occasion: Click here to have happy read Journey

*Our university has UGC CARE listed Research Journal : शोध पत्रिका - मेकल मीमांसा | - Mekal Mimansa - Call for paper throught year- ईमेल-, Click here for details

* These details are being updated from time to time.

Campus placement  initiative open through out year: Dec-2022

Dept. Computer sciecne- Placement initiative  with KampHire for final Year BCA-MCA Students

 Please register only  last semester (final year- BCA-MCA) students to register on our platform by sharing the following link, so that you will get timely reminders of the jobs. 

(Only for the BCA-6th Semster -MCA-4th Semester ) for more detail- Contact to HoD and Faculty members. 

For Regisntration:  Click here

Through the academia lead board, I got the opportunity to conduct Cyber Activity. For that, I am putting my sincere thank to Hon'ble Vice-chancellor Sir. 

"An initiative of Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India" on Wednesday, 12 Oct 2022. 

Celebration of Cyber Awareness Day held at IGNTU "Caution removed, the accident happened" so be careful in roaming Cyber World–Professor Shri Prakash Mani Tripathi- Hon'ble Vice Chancellor

The glimpses as follow: 

News : ICETIT-2022 Read More

Upcoming Events:  yet to be uploaded. 

Old Events

Coordinators (ICETIT-2022):

Dr. Neeraj Kumar Rathore (Mob.No./WhatsApp No. +91-9479333899)

Dr. Sudesh Kumar (Mob.No./WhatsApp No. +91-7869171069)