Current Courses - वर्तमान कक्षाएं
Remotely learn, work and research @ Dept. of Computer Science
This is the my current courses page of ongoing semester for BCA III, MCA III, MCA V, and PhD [Course Work] Programme from Jan 2024- being taught by Dr. Narayan P. Bhosale at the Dept. of Computer Science, IGNTU, Amarkantak, MP, Bharat.
Greetings to All! Get all updates of my ongoing subjects here till to completion of the course. Please stay connected and study from home. Be safe- from Covid-19. Have a happy day ahead.
Disclaimer with study material: There is no claim of the originality of the material, and it is given only for the students to study. The study materials of current subjects of BCA III, MCA I, MCA III, and Ph.D. are available after a successful log-in eLearning portal. [Course Work] would get it here- July to Dec 2024.
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Easy-to-use eLearning portal accessible anytime, anywhere to BCA, MCA & Ph.D. Students :
1. New user Registration of eLearning Portal : [Sign Up]
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Join the New Courses as per code and Subjects of BCA I, BCA VI, MCA-IV, and Ph.D. Course, Follow the updated stuff and instructions. *If you have already joined, then please ignored and have happy learning.
Online Class Attendance Jan-May-2024[Ongoing classs]: [Click on the link and Submit attendance]
Online Assignment Submission links for all Classes: [Log in eLearning Portal and Sumit them]
Courses Running in Current Semester as follows
PAPER NAME: BCA-601 :Information and Cyber Security
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SYLLABUS: [PDF] --Avail in eLearning Portal: DOWNLOAD: (All reading stuff will be available/ shared in eLearning Portal Unit wise, so be in touch with it)
PAPER NAME: MCA-303: Python Programming , MCAL-305-Python Programming Lab
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SYLLABUS: [PDF] --Avail in eLearning Portal: DOWNLOAD: (All reading stuff will be available/ shared in eLearning Portal Unit wise, so be in touch with it)
Task 1: Click here.
PAPER NAME: MCA-104: Advanced Operating System
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SYLLABUS: [PDF] --Avail in eLearning Portal: DOWNLOAD: (All reading stuff will be available/ shared in eLearning Portal Unit wise, so be in touch with it)
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PAPER NAME: PhD: Course work [Common-RPE-102] [Electives- RCS-103-104- By Bhosale Track] [As per the Syallbi of New BoS]
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SYLLABUS: [PDF] --Avail in eLearning Portal: DOWNLOAD: (All reading stuff will be available/ shared in eLearning Portal Unit wise, so be in touch with it)
[Click on me and Join WhatsApp Group]
Be Safe; stay at home and use your free time for online learning until commencing regular offline class. All the best!
Prepared by: Narayan P. Bhosale,(Course Teacher) Dept. of Computer Science, IGNTU, MP, India. Oct -2024